Prohibition of dishonor to the three, new laws in Russia issued

Putin's nation is no picnic for opportunity of articulation, opportunity of articulation It has been passed to the new law. Because of analysis in one route risk to doorstep. Under the new law, the nation, society, government and Vladimir Putin Any individual who slights any open authority will be fined via web-based networking media. Indeed, even the jail may be doing. The Russian parliament passed this law.

Under the new law, online clients will be fined 1 million rubles (Indian Rupees 1 lakh 6 thousand 315 taka). For the second time, the punishment will be multiplied. Clarifying this, Alexander Varkovsky, the leader of the Shova Center of Moscow, remarked that he would be charged in the event that he poked a fun at Russia's parliament or made an indecisional comments about President Putin. Varkovsky's comments have started a colossal gossip the nation over. 

Numerous individuals believe that the new law is uncertain. Since there is sufficient extension to mishandle this law. As indicated by law, reprimanding government authorities online might be viewed as insolent. In addition, as indicated by the new law, on the off chance that any official news distributed in any online news media is 'Phony', at that point he can square or fine the media. Political specialists trust this law is essentially a restriction.

Journalists Without Borders stated, "It is more perilous than control," said the association that has thought of the media rights subsequent to passing this law.

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