Of Nanda Kaisayi Aygey Unko, Thorra jhankazhon Aya Haiy Unko poema satta bayusenaara

Indian Buzzusena praised Pakistan over repatriation of India But in a little extravagant manner. On Friday, Bipin Allahabadi Biasena composed lyrics in Hindi on Twitter. Through that lyric, Pakistan was let down. On 26 February, the Miraj 2000 warship was sent by the aviation based armed forces to assault Pakistan's Balakot assault. It has been said in the lyric that this assault has been done in light of the fact that Pakistan has crossed all breaking points. Lamentably, a solid message has been sent to the nation of Umran Khan, through the ballad.

Hallucination 2000 has been named as 'End of the world' in verse.

It has been said that the house of prayer crossed its limits because of somebody crossing the other limit. Bipin Elahabadi said in the lyric, 'Of Nanda Kaiyas Aygey Unko, Thora sha jhakazhora Aya Hya Unko (presently reveal to me how to rest, they have a little yank)'. Jaws preparing camps have been obliterated by the flying corps assault. In spite of the fact that Pakistan will not acknowledge it So this sonnet is expected for the neighboring nation. On February 14, CRPF guard was assaulted in Pulwama. In excess of forty jawans were murdered. From that point forward, India has been hit by the air and exploded in the base camps

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