State Police Commissioner Rajiv Kumar's home came to Kolkata on Monday on the happening to the CBI. Today, on Tuesday, the court requested knowing about the appeal, Justice Shivkanta Prasad said. Then again, the High Court rejected the supplication of fast-hearing by requesting the evacuation of Rajiv, acting Chief Justice Biswanath Samadder and Justice Arindam Mukhopadhyay's Division Bench.
Prior in the first part of the day, Advocate General Kishore Datta, the principal judge of the case, told the Chief Justice of Shiv Kumar Prasad that the CBI went to the police official's home. He grumbled that an instance of the state is additionally pending with the court for the situation recorded with the CBI. The High Court had before remained the suspension on the CBI see till February 13. His brisk hearing The Advocate General grumbled, "The court gave a stay on the notice sent to Arnab Ghosh, Dilip Hajra, Shankar Bhattacharya and Prabhakar Nath, thinking about the court. The police official is likewise engaged with the issue. The CBI went to their home deliberately intentionally. The request of the court is brutal. '
In spite of the fact that the Additional Solicitor General denied it. He stated, "The Supreme Court has just documented a CBI supplication. There will be hearings on Tuesday. The High Court ought to hear the aftereffects of the Supreme Court. "They request that Rajiv's name isn't in the notice. There are three different authorities named. Rajib has no suspension over cross examination. Equity stated, "The entire thing will be considered thinking about the issue." You advance. 'Tuesday will be a conference. Meanwhile, for a long time, the CBI and the police have been confronting legitimate intricacies because of these takes note. The Supreme Court additionally said that the two gatherings together are researching the examination however the emergency is as yet not finish.
Then again, Rajeeb had recorded a body of evidence against him for evacuation and requested early hearing for two social laborers. Their objection is that the police magistrate needs to encourage the CBI. It has been bugged without The Chief Justice's Division Bench inquired as to why the consultation should be heard quick. The court stated, apply to the principles. Recorded for the meeting will be considered.