In the Calcutta-Kand, the CBI today requested for a pressing hearing however it isn't acknowledged in the Supreme Court. On Monday, the Central Investigation Agency went to the Supreme Court on Wednesday by the West Bengal Government and police charges of Saradha examination and hatred of court. On Tuesday, the case was suspended for the meeting on the seat of Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi and Sanjiv Khanna. The Chief Justice stated, "The issue ought not be heard today." The three judges seat headed by the Chief Justice on Tuesday will choose the issue.
Specialist General Tushar Mehta in the interest of the CBI said that the police magistrate of Kolkata was denying the data and hatred of court without adding to the examination of the most astounding court arrange. In the Saradha case exploring organization, the CBI has additionally contended that in the exceptional conditions the court needs to come. At that point the Chief Justice stated, 'I saw your application. Where is the proof of the devastation of the realities? "The Chief Justice suggest that if the proof is discovered, the court won't be deserted to make extreme move.
The Supreme Court is researching Chitfund, CBI is examining The CBI needs to see the case as a scorn of court for not participating in the examination. On this day, Advocate Manu Singhvi, the legal counselor for the state, said. Promoter Tushar Mehta told the court that the examination of Chitfanda Kanda was called for more than one time, yet Rajiv Kumar did not react. The proof has been broken. The Calcutta Police Commissioner was approached to arrange a speedy surrender arrange. Boss Justice Ranjan Gogoi stated, "The proof of the police magistrate who can wreck the proof is to be submitted under the watchful eye of the court."
Plainly the Supreme Court has asked the Central Investigation Agency to outfit the data and records against the Police Commissioner, and the CBI has submitted it to the court, it isn't sufficient to demonstrate the wrongdoing against Rajiv Kumar. The Chief Justice requested that the CBI present all the data tomorrow. The CBI's application said that on Sunday night the CBI Director Joint Director was kept in the CBI office. The CBI guide scrutinized the police official after the uniform of the police after the uniform of the police? On this day, the Chief Justice got some information about the circumstance toward the beginning of the day on Monday.