Vibhovaz in Ambuja Nevatia Paola

Pya Baishakh going ahead the principal day of the new year, the halakhata of Bengalis, just as the desserts are composed just as the Bhubhoj course of action. Furthermore, to convey more shading to the game plan, there is an abundance of sustenance things, Ambuja Nevatia. On April 14 and 15 April, Baishakh exceptional eating routine has been sorted out in Newtown Echo Hub, City Center 2 and City Center 1 Orient CCNT and Orient CCSL.

Reverberation center points can be eaten in the smorgasbords around early afternoon from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm and the remainder of the two eateries at 12.30 pm. Reverberation HUB is the ideal Bengali menu. There are all Radhawlavi, Tans meat, sweet curd, all from the serving of mixed greens of para mango. 

The staying two eateries have Oriental nourishment. There are a few kinds of meat menu from Sushi, Nidulas and Rice. The expense of these two spots isn't much, yet the cost of Bengali sustenance is just 699, while the remainder of the two eateries cost 900 taka.

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