The Faculty Council was formed in Calcutta University

Calcutta University Faculty Council was framed. The University of Calcutta Professor Mahal has since quite a while ago requested a staff chamber. Through this board, the teachers can express feelings about the scholastic issues of the University. In the Syndicate meeting on February 27, the choice to frame a staff committee was taken. That choice was finished in the Syndicate meeting on 28 March. The University issued a round on April 2, that the Faculty Council was shaped in post-graduation. The principal meeting of the Faculty Council will be hung on April 10. 

It has been accounted for that the law was reconsidered in the University of Calcutta in 2012. Be that as it may, there was no personnel chamber in the college in light of the fact that the guidelines or rules were not changed. Accordingly, the college educators had no spot to discuss different issues identified with instruction. Following seven years the Faculty Council was framed at the University. Be that as it may, there is no chosen agent in this gathering. Bad habit Chancellor of Calcutta University, Sonali Chakraborty Bandyopadhyay, Vice-Chancellor (Education) Dipak Kar, Vice-Chancellor (Finance) Meenakshi Basu and Dean of every workforce and educators of each bureau of the college will be available at the Faculty Council.

Teachers state that the primary gathering of the Faculty Council on April 10 has been called. That evening the gathering will be held. In any case, there was nothing to state about the motivation of the gathering.

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