Smoke on the death of police worker

One police constable passed on watch around evening time. Name of the expired Mohammed Shabbir The episode happened in Chopra's Banana region. The group of the expired asserted that Sabbir had kicked the bucket in the mishap, police said. Be that as it may, his legs were shot.

Police sources said that the occurrence occurred around 2:30 toward the beginning of the day. Police jeeps remained at the intersection of National Road and Purna Road at Banjajj convergence 31. Three individuals, including one officer, were sitting in the police vehicle. Sabbi was somewhat far from the vehicle to converse with the telephone. Simply then an uproarious sound was heard. The police went down from the police jeep and saw that Sabbir was lying in a wicked condition. He was promptly taken to the closest wellbeing focus. The specialists pronounced him dead. Locale cops did not have any desire to open their mouth about how he kicked the bucket. 

The primer evaluations of wellbeing specialists, the constable who kicked the bucket in the flame. His body was sent to Islampur sub-divisional medical clinic for post-mortem.

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