Boss Minister Mamata Banerjee, in the metro channel, at the beginning of today from Sunday night, 'Spare the Constitution' hammered the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. State clergymen and grassroots activists are available in the state with the Chief Minister, supporters of the state.
Mamata said this is her 'position-satyagraha'. The Supreme Court will think of Arvind Kejriwal and RJD pioneer Tejshi Yadav. Practically the majority of the Brigade's resistance chiefs remained next to the state government. Congress likewise underpins the help Today the state spending plan is introduced.
Prior, there was a bureau meeting. Be that as it may, the Chief Minister has said that he will hold a bureau meeting alongside the legislature. At that point the state fund serve Amit Mitra will introduce the state spending plan in the Assembly at the named time. Magistrate Rajiv Kumar left the phase with the Chief Minister in at the beginning of today. The Chief Minister will give a discourse on the ranchers rally today through video meetings.