The Chief Election Commissioner Wednesday in Kolkata

"The incomparable King is coming in front. A reasonable and serene Lok Sabha decision will be held in this state as well. "The state home secretary Atri Bhattacharya said this at a capacity on the event of National Election Day and National Election Day. The service was hung on Friday in Mohrokunja. Boss Election Commissioner Sunil Arora and chief Ashok Lasa are coming to Kolkata on Wednesday night. They will hold separate gatherings with every single ideological group on January 31. Meet the area justice and the police super. State's Chief Secretary, Dr Ariz Aftab, will hold a gathering with the Chief Secretary, Home Secretary, Nagarpal and DG on February 1. 

In the interim, Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora stated, all present at the mohrkunja were told. The Chief Election Commissioner stated, "There are currently 87 million voters in the nation. 10 million corners All courses of action have been made for the physically crippled and the old voters. The motivation behind popular government is to direct free, reasonable and tranquil races. The program was directed by Joint Chief Electoral Officer Amitajyoti Bhattacharya.

Extra Chief Electoral Officer Amit Roychowdhury read the vow of race commission on this day. The Home Secretary stated, 'I am an IAS officer. I've been to numerous nations. I traveled to another country for study. Saw the decision. We have been watching eyewitnesses in different states. There is significantly more insight concerning casting a ballot in India than my sincere belief, the manner by which different nations are casted a ballot. There is a convention of vote in the state as well. Everybody is pleased with the race procedure in West Bengal. In our state, it isn't reasonable for be seen in different states. "The capacity was gone to by MP Subrata Buxi, State Minister of State for Political Affairs Taposh Roy, Sukhmandu Panigrahi of CPM and other ideological groups. Decision Commission's symbol Ziza Ghosh was respected by the commission.

The Election Commission has compensated 6 District Collectors for the decision related work and to make the voters progressively instructed. They are P Ulganathan of Murshidabad. He has expanded the quantity of female voters in the area. Additionally, the quantity of 18-year-old voters expanded. Kalimpong locale senator P Vishwanath, region judge Anurag Srivastava, Purulia region ruler Alkesh Prasad Roy and region Dinajpur region representative Dipap Priya P. In their grasp, Home Secretary Dr Ariyaz Aftab, Additional Chief Electoral Officer Amit Roychowdhury, Sanjay Basu, the reference and prize. Boss Electoral Officer Ariyaz Aftab and Home Secretary Atri Bhattacharya gave their certifications to new voters. What's more, the main second and third place holders are given the prize for moment discourse, drawing rivalry and test rivalry. Music directed by Anindyanarayan Biswas

Dr. Ariyaz Aftab stated, "From January 11 to 4pm each camp will be an exceptional camp in corner. The stall level officer will be there. It tends to be realized that somebody's name has been evacuated. The shape can likewise be found in the name. '

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